Vector background divider hero example

Build a stunning website that attract visitors


    <!--::Start Hero BG Shape Divider::-->
    <section class="position-relative bg-primary text-white jarallax" data-speed=".2">
        <!--:Hero BG:-->
        <img src="assets/img/backgrounds/bg1.jpg" alt="" class="jarallax-img opacity-25">
        <!--:Hero Divider:-->
        <svg class="w-100 position-absolute start-0 bottom-0 z-1 mb-n1" height="48" fill="currentColor"
            preserveAspectRatio="none" viewBox="0 0 1200 120" xmlns=""
            style="transform: rotate(180deg) scaleX(-1);color:var(--bs-body-bg)">
                d="M0 0v46.29c47.79 22.2 103.59 32.17 158 28 70.36-5.37 136.33-33.31 206.8-37.5 73.84-4.36 147.54 16.88 218.2 35.26 69.27 18 138.3 24.88 209.4 13.08 36.15-6 69.85-17.84 104.45-29.34C989.49 25 1113-14.29 1200 52.47V0z"
                opacity=".25" />
                d="M0 0v15.81c13 21.11 27.64 41.05 47.69 56.24C99.41 111.27 165 111 224.58 91.58c31.15-10.15 60.09-26.07 89.67-39.8 40.92-19 84.73-46 130.83-49.67 36.26-2.85 70.9 9.42 98.6 31.56 31.77 25.39 62.32 62 103.63 73 40.44 10.79 81.35-6.69 119.13-24.28s75.16-39 116.92-43.05c59.73-5.85 113.28 22.88 168.9 38.84 30.2 8.66 59 6.17 87.09-7.5 22.43-10.89 48-26.93 60.65-49.24V0z"
                opacity=".5" />
                d="M0 0v5.63C149.93 59 314.09 71.32 475.83 42.57c43-7.64 84.23-20.12 127.61-26.46 59-8.63 112.48 12.24 165.56 35.4C827.93 77.22 886 95.24 951.2 90c86.53-7 172.46-45.71 248.8-84.81V0z" />
        <div class="container position-relative py-12 py-lg-15">
            <div class="row pb-5">
                <div class="col-lg-10 mx-auto text-center">
                    <h1 class="display-1 mb-4">Vector background divider hero example</h1>
                    <p class="lead mb-5">Build a stunning website that attract visitors</p>
                    <!--:Action button:-->
                    <a href="#!" class="btn btn-white btn-lg px-4 px-lg-5 rounded-pill btn-hover-arrow">
                        <span class="btn-rise-text">Начать</span>
    <!--::/End Hero BG Shape Divider::-->

  <!-- Bootstrap + Vendor + Theme -->
  <link href="assets/css/theme.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

  <!-- Bootstrap + Vendor + Theme -->
  <script src="assets/css/theme.bundle.js"></script>

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